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Section 144 has been imposed in Noida and Greater Noida until August 3, prohibiting the assembly of people at public places and roads for any religious gatherings, including namaz (Islamic prayers) and puja (Hindu prayers). This measure has been taken to maintain public order and ensure safety during this period.

Section 144 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC) has been imposed in Noida and Greater Noida from July 20 to August 3, 2023. The restrictions are in place to prevent public gatherings and unpermitted religious activities. During this period, offering namaz or doing puja at public places or roads is strictly prohibited. Permission must be obtained from the appropriate authorities for carrying out any processions.

The restrictions have been put in place due to various events and occasions scheduled in the district during this period, including the Muharram procession, the Asian Junior Athletes sports event with participants from foreign countries, farmers’ protests, and competitive examinations.

As part of the restrictions, gathering of five or more people in public places is not allowed, and no processions can be taken out without prior permission. Flying drones near government offices and using them for photography or recording elsewhere also require police permission. Use of loudspeakers at religious places is completely banned unless within permissible noise levels.

Religious activities at controversial places without a tradition of offering prayers are not allowed, and no religious posters, banners, or flags should be displayed on walls of religious places. Carrying dangerous objects, firing in public places, consuming alcohol or drugs, spreading false information, and misbehaving with or assaulting officials are also strictly prohibited during this period.

Moreover, people are required to follow Covid-19 protocols at religious places, and restaurants, hotels, and food joints must adhere to Covid-19 appropriate behavior as per their capacity.

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