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Woman Who Went to Pakistan for Love Declares She’ll Return Unlike Seema Haider

After the case of Seema Haider, another cross-border love story has emerged, this time involving Anju, a 34-year-old woman from Rajasthan, India, who traveled to Pakistan to meet Nasrullah, a 29-year-old man she fell in love with on Facebook.

Anju, a married woman with two children, left the country without her husband’s knowledge, telling him she was visiting a friend in Jaipur.

Initially detained by authorities in Pakistan, Anju was later released after her travel documents were verified. Both Nasrullah and Anju are being provided protection to ensure their safety. It remains unclear whether Anju’s intention was to marry Nasrullah or simply meet him.

Anju’s husband claims he had no knowledge of her contact with a man from Pakistan, but he knew she had obtained a passport in 2020 with the intention of applying for a job abroad.

Anju spoke to the media and asserted that her situation is different from Seema Haider’s, emphasizing that she plans to return to India. The key difference between their cases is that Anju traveled to Pakistan legally via the Wagah-Attari border, while Haider had entered the country illegally.

In another recent incident, a Polish woman also traveled a significant distance to marry her Indian friend she met on social media. She was able to reunite with her partner after obtaining a five-year visa. Both Indian and Pakistani authorities are investigating the cases from their respective sides.

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